Goruco is a 1 day, single track
conference in NYC

Saturday, June 16th, 2018

The Altman Building, 135 West 18th Street, NYC
Via the 1, 2, 3, F, M, and L Trains.



Jessica Rudder

The Good Bad Bug: Fail Your Way to Better Code

Programming history is filled with bugs that turned out to be features and limitations that pushed developers to make even more interesting products. We’ll journey... Read More

Aaron Patterson

Analyzing and Reducing Ruby Memory Usage

Memory usage can be difficult to analyze. In this presentation we will cover different techniques for analyzing memory usage of a Ruby process including in-process... Read More

Scott Bellware

Evented Autonomous Services in Ruby

Whether you call it microservices or SOA, service autonomy is the quality of the architecture that dictates whether you end up with the services implementation... Read More

Danielle Adams

Locking It Down with Ruby and Lockfiles

Anyone that's developed with open source has probably been burned by a dependency issue of some sort. The time spent (minutes? hours? years?) debugging dependency-related... Read More

Kir Shatrov

Running Jobs at Scale

We hear talk about running 1,000s of RPS on Rails, but what about running 1,000s of jobs per second? Jobs often go unnoticed and have... Read More

Melissa Wahnish

Encryption Pitfalls and Workarounds

With ongoing attacks on consumer sites and the looming GDPR deadline approaching, protecting user personal information is more important than ever. In this talk, you... Read More

Megan Tiu

The Practical Guide to Building an Apprenticeship

Currently, our industry has a surplus of bright junior developers, but a lack of open junior positions. Building a developer apprenticeship in your organization is... Read More

Andy Croll

The Impermanence of Software

As engineers we place a lot of emphasis in the things that we build. However lots of the software we write is destined for deletion.... Read More

Kelly Sutton

I've Made a Huge Mistake: We Did Services All Wrong

In the recent years, microservices have been an investment among many engineering teams as they scale. They are often the default of many new companies.... Read More

Joe Leo

Writing Ruby Like it's 2018

These days new Ruby releases are regarded with less and less fanfare. We rejoiced at all the new features and support of Ruby 1.9 and... Read More

Rushaine McBean

Building Efficient APIs with JSON-API

Most web applications have RESTful APIs for either internal or external use or mobile apps and that comes with many approaches to design and standardize... Read More

Desmond Rawls

The Twelve-Factor Function

PaaS, CaaS, or FaaS? Each year brings more options for where to run a piece of code. As application developers we follow guidelines like The... Read More

Sam Phippen

After Death

We all operate software, and we all know that it can fail. There's nothing quite like that adrenaline inducing, heart rate raising, spine tingling moment... Read More


  • 9:00 AM MIN
    Doors open, get your conference badge and some New York breakfast
  • 9:50 AM MIN
    Opening Remarks
    Luke Melia
  • 10:00 AM MIN
    Opening Keynote: The Good Bad Bug: Fail Your Way to Better Code
    Jessica Rudder
  • 10:35 AM MIN
    Evented Autonomous Services in Ruby
    Scott Bellware
  • 11:20 AM MIN
    Locking It Down with Ruby & Lockfiles
    Danielle Adams
  • 11:30 AM MIN
    Running Jobs at Scale
    Kir Shatrov
  • 11:40 PM MIN
    Encryption Pitfalls and Workarounds
    Melissa Wahnish
  • 12:00 PM MIN
    The Practical Guide to Building an Apprenticeship
    Megan Tiu
  • 12:30 PM MIN
  • 1:55 PM MIN
    The Impermanence of Software
    Andy Croll
  • 2:30 PM MIN
    I've Made a Huge Mistake: We Did Services All Wrong
    Kelly Sutton
  • 3:05 PM MIN
    Writing Ruby Like it's 2018
    Joe Leo
  • 3:15 PM MIN
    Building Efficient APIs with JSON-API
    Rushaine McBean
  • 3:25 PM MIN
    The Twelve-Factor Function
    Desmond Rawls
  • 3:35 PM MIN
    Ice Cream Social
  • 4:05 PM MIN
    After Death
    Sam Phippen
  • 4:50 PM MIN
    Closing Keynote: Analyzing and Reducing Ruby Memory Usage
    Aaron Patterson
  • 5:20 PM MIN
    Closing Remarks
    Luke Melia
  • 6:30 PM MIN
    After Party!
    501 10th Avenue, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10018 (Yellow DHL Building. Entrance on 38th street.)

Latest News

July 07, 2016

Making GORUCO more inclusive

Over the years GORUCO has invested considerable time, energy, and resources into diversity and inclusion initiatives. Here is what we have done this year.

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GORUCO 2017 Photos

GORUCO 2018 is organized with by these happy & hardworking volunteers

Luke Melia


Zach Feldman


Austen Ito


Jesse Chan-Norris


Joe Leo


Abel Martin


Raquel Hernandez


Ross Cooperman


Dmitri Nesterenko


Paul Ort


Julie Kwok

Laura Montemayor

Jerred Cook


Sebastian Delmont


Bryant McCombs


Jon Wexler


Elle Meredith


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