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Discounted GORUCO Tickets

This year we are offering discounted tickets for those who identify as belonging to a group that is underrepresented in the technology industry.

Why offer a discount at all

Diversity and inclusivity have rightly risen to prominence as major points of concern in both our local community and the broader Ruby community. GORUCO’s organizing committee believes our event should reflect and model the values of our communities.

While we recognize that there is no quick fix to the problem of making our communities more diverse, we hope that this discount both signals that we are serious in our desire to broaden our reach as well as somewhat eases the financial burden of attending in a very practical way.

How to take advantage of this discount

The discount code is “diversity” and it will save you $100 off of a full-priced ticket. You can enter it on the page as you buy your ticket. Buy your ticket now.

The choice of a discount code reflects the nature of this year’s experiment to sell tickets to the conference in three weekly batches. In past years, tickets have sold out so quickly that some have missed the opportunity to buy. This particularly impacted those people who were not immediately sure that they were able to attend.

Using a code allows those who identify as underrepresented in our community to take advantage of the discount at any time.

By pairing our staggered ticket release with our discount code, we are hoping to reach a broader group of attendees who might otherwise have missed the ticketing rush by allowing those who identify as underrepresented in our community to take advantage of the discount at any point in our ticketing cycle.

While we are not defining “underrepresented,” the intent of the discount is to help people out who might otherwise have trouble paying full-price for the conference themselves. Therefore we ask that those attendees whose employers typically pay for conferences and training not use the discount so we can make sure that the savings go to those people who most need it.

Thanks to Stride

This discount is made possible by the sponsorship of Stride, a predominantly women-led agile consultancy based right here in New York City.

Stride is an Agile software development consultancy in New York City. We co-locate with engineering teams in New York (like Plated, Paddle8, Gust, Sailthru, XO Group, Intent Media) to help you up your game and get stuff done. Think of us as Agile SWAT teams. We leverage the skills of your entire team and help you improve code quality and your Agile process in perpetuity. Whether you seek process refinement help (TDD, refactoring, microservices, estimates, continuous delivery, and more) or need to get high quality code out the door to launch your MVP, Stride is here to help.

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